‘Keep all my troubles, pride with me’ | The Asian Age Online, Bangladesh
Actress Sabnam Faria’s family has broken up. At the end of one year and nine months, he ended his married life with Harun Aur Rashid Apu. They separated on November 27. Both the husband and wife have signed the divorce papers.
Sabnam Faria himself informed about his separation in a status on Facebook. There she talked a lot about her marriage, family, and distance with her husband and separation.But criticism is not leaving her behind. Her status below, manyare making harsh remarks and making fun of her for breaking up the family. In this context, Sabnam Faria gave another status on Sunday (November 29).
‘What does it mean, people like blame games, swearing, making people small! Why would separation be beautiful! Why do you say we will be friends even after separation! How do I minimize a person who has been directly / indirectly involved in my life for the last 5 years, with so many memories that can’t be erased? Of course, if I didn’t have enough reason with the man, I wouldn’t have come to a decision like separation, just like no one can grow up by disrespecting anyone, everyone around us and family knows why to come to this decision! There is no need to explain it to anyone else! ‘
‘Actually we didn’t even want to tell anyone, but we were forced to let you know because we didn’t watch the fake’Eki Karelen Sabnam Faria ‘news! So please keep in mind, the last one can be beautiful, the last one can end with respect, love! All my troubles / my pride stay with me! And remember, God never likes to belittle anyone! ‘