Improved knowledge and disease management required for diabetes
The results of the CAPTURE study were announced recently, a global non-interventional study to uncover the prevalence of cardiovascular disease and risk and its management in people living with type 2 diabetes. The study, the first of its kind and involving nearly 10,000 participants from 13 countries across five continents, showed that 1 in 3 people with type 2 diabetes have established cardiovascular disease, and 9 in 10 of these had atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease.
Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is caused by the build-up of fats, cholesterol and other substances in and on the artery walls, which narrows the vessels and results in reduced blood flow, potentially leading to events like heart attack and stroke.
It is critical that cardiovascular disease is prioritised as a key factor in the management of type 2 diabetes. People with type 2 diabetes need to be more aware of their risk factors and physicians need to be actively screening for them. The risks can be addressed through treatments with proven cardiovascular benefits, as recommended by various treatment guidelines.
For the first time, information on cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes has been gathered from both primary and secondary care settings, also reflecting that a significant proportion of people with type 2 diabetes are being treated by primary care physicians in conjunction with diabetes specialists.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of disability and death among people with type 2 diabetes. Until recently, the importance of this link between type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease was not fully recognised on a global scale. With an increased understanding of the disease and its management, healthcare professionals will have a greater knowledge of the most appropriate way to manage this disease and improve patient outcomes.