
NU honors final yr students can take part in 43rd BCS exam – Education –

Published : Tuesday, 8 December, 2020 at 8:46 PM
 Count : 97

NU honors final yr students can take part in 43rd BCS exam

Students who took part in honours final year examinations under National University (NU) will be able to take part in the 43rd Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) examination.

“Students who have attended honours final year examinations in 2019 from NU but could not complete all examinations due to coronavirus can apply for the 43rd BCS examination in appeared category”, said the university on Tuesday.

However, students who took part in the examinations but failed in one or more courses in the 1st year, 2nd year and 3rd year examinations will not eligible for take part in BCS examination, said a press release issued by NU.

“Students in professional courses (BBA, CEC, BEd Honours and ECE) who have passed all the courses from 1st semester through 7th semester and have taken part in the final examinations of 8th semester can participate in the 43rd BCS examination,” it added.