10,964 candidates pass 40th BCS written exam
DHAKA, Jan 27, 2021 (BSS) – A total of 10,964 candidates have passed
the written test of the 40th Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS)
The results of the written test, held in January last year, were
published by the Public Service Commission on its website this
The examinees can also know the result by sending SMS – PSC (Space)
40 (Space) Registration Number to 16222 using Teletalk mobile number.
The viva examination will start from February 16 and detailed
schedule will be notified timely.
Twenty thousand and 26 candidates took part in the written test
after passing preliminary test held on May 3, 2019, participated by
three lakh 26 thousand candidates while four lakh 12 thousand 532
candidates applied for it.
On September 2018, the PSC issued the advertisement of the 40th BCS
to absorb a total of 1,903 cadre officers in various government posts.