L.A. Woman Goes on Homophobic Rant Protesting COVID Lockdown
Here’s Exhibit A of lockdown fatigue meeting plain old bigotry — and the end result is, you guessed it … a hate-spewing “Karen.”
This woman, not wearing a mask, went on a homophobic rant while protesting outside the home of L.A. County Department of Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer. The video starts with the woman firing off a homophobic slur at the person recording her. She added Nazi and brainwashing accusations too … just for good measure.
There were about 50 people marching Sunday, most of whom seemed to merely be protesting the economic impact of California’s latest round of coronavirus restrictions — but this woman’s hate speech made her stand out from the crowd. In the worst way possible.
Believe it or not, the video got even worse when the woman made an outlandish accusation about abortions. Also worth noting is her wardrobe choice for the occasion.
Unfortunately, she comes off like a big ball of 2020.