Joe Exotic Says He’d Rather Die from COVID Than Go On Life Support

Joe Exotic is taking a Patrick Henry approach to the possibility of catching COVID-19 — if the world gives him COVID, then give him death too … or something like that.
TMZ has obtained an email the ‘Tiger King’ sent to his Tiger Team — which is also helping him in his pardon efforts — and it spells his intentions out clearly … JE does NOT want to be put on a ventilator in a worst-case scenario should he contract coronavirus.
He writes, “Filled out an advance directive to not be put on a ventilator or life support if I get COVID.” He goes on to say that people are dropping like flies at the prison he’s at in Fort Worth … adding that staff and inmates are getting sicker by the day.

He’s not entirely wrong about the numbers … FMC Fort Worth has a listed 12 deaths linked to COVID, with 58 inmates and 27 staffers currently positive. That said, FMC has a decently high recovery rate — 650 inmates and staffers combined have beaten the ‘Rona.
As for why Joe would opt for death rather than being kept alive … his rep, Eric Love, tells us it’s a quality of life issue, one that Joe embraced even before the pandemic even hit.